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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - January 1 2024
Where: Cotehele

A Victorian Christmas at Cotehele Mill

Experience a family Christmas at Cotehele Mill 

Booking not needed. This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue. 
Saturday 18 November to Monday 1 January 2024, 11am to 3:30pm. 

Follow the festive lights along the stream to find Cotehele Mill tucked within the Morden Valley. The mill will be decorated in traditional Victorian style, and you’ll be able to discover how families like the Langsfords, who lived at Cotehele Mill, celebrated Christmas in those times. 

Head to the first floor for toys to play with, costumes to adorn yourselves in and craft activities to complete. 
Enjoy festive storytelling in Sawmill Cottage at 2pm, and a quiet space to enjoy the decorations and read a story all day. 
Cotehele Mill is currently free to enter. 

Cotehele Mill is a 15-minute walk on a flat path through the woods from Cotehele Quay. A volunteer run shuttle bus is operational on some days, please check with reception upon arrival. 

For further information call 01579 351346, email [email protected] or visit the website, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cotehele