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Best Days Out Cornwall

Christmas Events Best Days Out Cornwall
When: January 1 - December 22 2021

A Christmas Carol

David Mynne performs Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Joy to all mankind? Bah!

Spend an evening in the company of a mean, tight-fisted, squeezing, grasping, clutching old miser. Bah!

Watch horrified as Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted by four creepy ghosts (wooo-oooh) each one more terrifying than the last. Bah!

Sob at the bedside of a tiny, malnourished child riven with rickets. Bah!

In their inimitable style, the team that brought you Great ExpectationsDracula and The Odyssey will now take you on a grim (sort of) journey through the dark, dismal streets of Victorian London.

This is Dickens’ original words with added silliness. Silliness? Bah! BAH!

Celebrate the festive season with a mesmerising one-man performance of Charles Dickens’ timeless, transformative story: A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Bah! Humbug!

First devised and performed in 2017, A Christmas Carol is David’s second piece of work by Charles Dickens. The show has toured nationally, every December, since then and had a highly successful run in Los Angeles in 2019. 

Directed by Simon Harvey
Performed by David Mynne
Adapted by Andrew McPherson
Additional script by Simon Harvey and David Mynne