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Best Days Out Cornwall

Eden Project Best Days Out Cornwall
When: January 1 - March 5 2022
Where: Eden Project

World Pasty Championships at the Eden Project

Date: 5 March 2022

The World Pasty Championships are making a welcome comeback to the Eden Project in Cornwall on St Piran’s Day, Saturday March 5, 2022.The gala event at the home of the world-famous Biomes will be the 10th annual celebration of the pasty, Cornwall’s culinary gift to the globe and Eden’s all-time bestselling savoury food.

Last year’s championships had to be cancelled due to the country being in lockdown. Eden is planning the return of the event with partners the Cornish Pasty Association and entries for company, professional, amateur and junior bakers are due to open next Thursday, January 20th.

Indoor and outdoor stages are being set for a host of pasty activities plus some top musical talent on a full entertainments bill soon to be announced. The event will also see the return of the World’s Fastest Crimper contest, featuring top crimpers from across the industry and overseen by the Cornish Pasty Association.