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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - March 5 2023

World Book Day / St Pirans Day

Come and celebrate at the Screech Owl Sanctuary and Animal Park this weekend, 4th & 5th March 2023
There will be storytelling sessions on Saturday 4th March, and a quiz about owls and other animals in literature on both days, (no extra charge for these activities). All correct quiz answers will be entered into a prize draw to win a story book, all participants will get a bookmark for taking part.
Come and meet ‘Plop’ the Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, see ‘Hedwig’ and ‘Errol’ from Harry Potter, and the meerkats of ‘Meerkat Mail’.
Come dressed in your best Book or Cornish Outfit.
Entry on both days will be at a reduced rate of £8 per head for anyone aged 3 or over (under 3 free)