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Best Days Out Cornwall

Minack Theatre Castle Best Days Out Cornwall
When: January 1 - May 26 2022

Twelfth Night at The Minack Theatre

23 – 26 May at 7.30pm
24 & 26 May at 2.30pm

presented by Carnon Downs Drama Group

What is love?’ Shakespeare’s comedy features the excitement and danger of falling in love.  The hierarchy of status does not mean that love can be taken for granted. The path of true love is most definitely not smooth.

Twelfth Night also confronts a darker side of loss, Olivia has recently lost a father and a brother, while Viola believes her twin brother to be drowned. Both re-examine their role in an essentially male-dominated world.

Gender is fluid and cannot be assumed from appearance alone, Viola/Cesario is, ‘all the daughters of my father’s house and all the brothers too’.

Alongside the serious business of love there is an infectious element of fun and life seen as a never-ending party where pranks and jokes can sometimes spiral out of control. You can’t have a party without music and music is at the heart of this production. Expect a lot of fun, a few surprises and some twists as ‘present mirth hath present laughter.

Tickets from £10
Under 16s half price

Carnon Downs Drama Group were last at the Minack in 2018 with Henry IV Part I and were invited back for 2020 and 2021 (whatever happened to those years!) After two years of cancellation they can’t wait to back at the Minack.