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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - January 8 2023

Tunnel of Lights: This is Christmas! at the Shipwreck Treasure Museum

Explore the Shipwreck Treasure Museum at Charlestown this Christmas as it’s transformed into the most Festive place in Cornwall for the Tunnel of Lights: This is Christmas!

Journey through every imaginable Christmas setting, from the snowy winter wonderland of Narnia’s frozen forests to a room filled with giant baubles of every colour possible!

Walk through an entire world of beautifully wrapped glittering presents, wander through Candy Land, explore our Shipwreck as snow falls all around you and take a pit stop at our very own mini German Christmas Market.

Pause along the way for some fun Christmas Crafts that the whole family can take part in.

Finally, follow Santa’s footsteps through our glittering North Pole to walk amongst hundreds and thousands of twinkling lights in the UK’s longest tunnel of indoor festive lights on dazzling display!

And new for 2022 – Step into our Giant Snow Globe and take a picture with your friends and family in our very special Yuletide scene*

Festive goodies and hot drinks will be served all day.


Ticket prices

Early Bird (on sale until 1st October and only applicable to off-peak dates)

Adult: £10

Child (5-17): £8

Under 5’s: Free


Off Peak

Adult: £12.50

Child (5-17): £8.50

Under 5’s: Free



Adult: £14.50

Child (5-17) £9.50

Under 5’s: Free


Peak Dates: 10th, 11th, 17th-24th, 26th-31st December, 1st – 8th January.


Opening times

Peak dates and weekends 10am – 7.30pm last entry

Off peak dates and weekdays 10am – 4.30pm last entry


*The Yuletide Snow Globe is an additional cost and not included in the TOL: This is Christmas general admission.