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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - September 21 2024

The Pirates of Penzance

by WS Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan
presented by Cambridge University Gilbert and Sullivan Society
18 – 21 September

Cambridge University’s Gilbert and Sullivan Society is thrilled to return to the Minack Theatre for the 50th year, with the duo’s most acclaimed and adored musical swashbuckler. Finally in his 21st year, Frederic is able to free himself from his apprenticeship to the Pirate King and his useless crew. Immediately upon venturing into the Cornish coast, Frederic encounters the Major General’s gaggle of daughters, falling head over heels for the beautiful Mabel. Yet their happy future is in jeopardy: the pirates are not ready to part with Frederic yet, and a loophole in his contract leaves the former apprentice in a very sticky situation. Will Frederic be able to leave the motley crew once and for all – and will Mabel wait for him to do so?

Bursting with fun and frivolity, and featuring some of operetta’s most iconic arias, from ‘I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General’ to ‘Poor Wand’ring One’, the Cambridge University G&S Society’s rendition of The Pirates of Penzance is an adventure not to be missed.

For more information and to book tickets visit https://www.minack.com/