The weekend features a special collaborative project between Falmouth University dance students and TR14ers, a youth led community dance charity, led by choreographer Katrina Brown who will perform on Sunday. Poet Dr John Wedgwood Clarke, University of Exeter will run poetry workshops around the Red River Project; a two-year collaboration in Cornwall’s tin-mining districts. Get creative on Sunday in a workshop run by Tate Collective Producers, developed with artist Ben Sanderson. On Monday Tate St Ives is host to the Cornwall International Male Choral Festival and a special talk delivered by social historian Janet Axten researched and written by Dr Gregg Huff, University of Oxford, a historian on the Vietnam famine of 1944-45 a key reference point for the work of Thao Nguyen Phan. Throughout the weekend there will be talks in the galleries with the members of Tate St Ives staff on their research into the artist’s work.