The Sea Show is a quirky and hilarious mix of puppet show, natural history and comedy cabaret.
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Meet crazy characters like Morwenna the ‘beautiful’ mermaid, Ruan the reformed seagull and salty seadog Captain Pemburthy, as well as a cast of mischievous sea-squirts, anemones, limpets, crabs and pilchards.
Come and celebrate the sea with tall tales, silly slapstick, fantastic facts, live music and songs – unmissable fun for children and adults of all ages!
“Aimed at children, the adults present nonetheless laughed and cheered along almost as enthusiastically as the youngsters.Our twin boys, just short of five, laughed hysterically throughout and talked about it nonstop afterwards. I can give it no higher recommendation.” Chris Broom, The Portsmouth News
For children aged 5+ and their families. Please note, prices include garden admission for the whole of the day.