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Best Days Out Cornwall

Bodmin & Wenford Railway Best Days Out Cornwall
When: December 4 - December 24 2021

Santa Specials at Bodmin & Wenford Railway

Bodmin & Wenford Railway’s popular Christmas trains are making a return to the heritage steam railway, Cornwall’s only full sized railway still operated by steam locomotives.

After not running in 2020 due to Covid, the Santa Special trains will once again be steaming from Bodmin General on selected dates throughout December in the run up to Christmas.

Visitors to the station will be greeted by Santa’s elves, before boarding the steam train to Bodmin Parkway. Whilst aboard the train children will have the chance to write their list to Santa before returning back to Bodmin General.

Once back at the main station children will have the opportunity to do some Christmas themed activities before they go and visit Santa in his unique Victorian coach. Each child will receive an age-appropriate gift and the opportunity to have their photo taken with Santa.

Santa Specials will be running on 4, 5, 11, 12 and 17-24 December.