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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - December 24 2023

Santa by Steam at Bodmin Railway

Ride the train with Santa and his elves amongst your family and friends. Listen to his bells as he walks through the coach jingling away, chatting, eating mince pies and gifting presents. Fill out your activity sheet and write your wish list on the train as you wait for Santa and his elves to greet you.

Upon arrival back at Bodmin General, you will get the opportunity to see Santa’s Victorian Carriage and snap a couple of family photos before taking part in Christmas themed arts and crafts activities.

The departure times be 10:00, 11:30, 13:00 and 14:30 and tickets will include a single line steam train trip to Bodmin Parkway and back. Each child ticket will include a Christmas related soft toy gift.

We also offer a School Santa by Steam, whereby we offer a discounted ticket prices for schools to visit. School events will run on the mornings of 7th and 14th of Dec. For this Santa walks through each coach greeting the children. Schools have the option to purchase a ticket with gift included, or bring in their own gifts for Santa to hand out to the children.