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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - October 14 2023
Where: PK Porthcurno


Saturday 14 October

Clore Learning Space

10:30 – 12:00

Planet PK Champions: Creepy-Crawly Towers – Come and be a part of our bug hotel construction project, designed to offer a cozy winter retreat for the smallest inhabitants of PK.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of these tiny creatures and discover what types of insects will make our bug hotel home.

  Free parking for attendee’s

⭐️ Free activity

  Fun for families

Planet PK Champions is our free monthly club that is open to all who are passionate about making a positive impact and learning something new.
As a regular club member, you’ll receive a member pack in a bag containing your very own Planet PK Champions Passport Postcard, seeds to plant, postcards, a ring binder, and a medal.
  Learn more about the club and how to get involved on our website at https://pkporthcurno.com/planet-pk-champions/