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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - October 30 2022

October half-term family activities at National Trust Trengwainton Garden

Head to National Trust Trengwainton during October half term and make the most of the sights, sounds and smells of the autumn season while making some family memories.

Collect a card from the reception and play autumn colours bingo; how many can you tick off around the garden and what will you score? Gather fallen leaves to make leaf bunting on the Royal Meadow, or simply take a sensory stroll along the winding woody paths and make the most of the autumn colours.

In the orchard you can help yourself to windfall apples and take pictures of the recipe boards on display for inspiration of how to use them when you get back home. This week will also be the last chance to see this year’s scarecrows in the walled kitchen garden, with popular characters from the last six decades celebrating 60 years since the National Trust opened the garden to the public.

Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 October 2022 (closed Friday and Saturday)

No need to book.

Open 10-5.

Admission free for National Trust members. See website for other admission prices: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/trengwainton-garden#Prices