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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: July 20 - August 28 2024
Where: Cotehele

Nature Detectives at Cotehele Mill: Butterfly Spotting

Join our Ranger Team on Cotehele Mill meadow to look for and learn all about butterflies. 

Booking not needed. This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue. 
Saturday 20 July, Friday 2, Thursday 15 and Wednesday 28 August, 1pm to 3pm 

As part of Summer of Play Nature Detectives at Cotehele Mill, come and chat to our Ranger’s about the amazing butterflies that live this in this habitat.  

Meeting point – Cotehele Meadow 

Dress appropriately for the weather as this is an outdoors session. 

There is no parking at Cotehele Mill, with the nearest parking at 500m woodland walk away at Cotehele Quay. There is a volunteer run shuttle bus, please ask at Reception upon arrival to find out if it is operating on the day of your visit, 

For further information call 01579 351346, email [email protected] or visit the website, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cotehele