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Best Days Out Cornwall

Heligan Best Days Out Cornwall
When: February 19 - February 27 2022

Love Heligan: February half term

Dates: 19-27 February

Times: 10am-4pm

All activities included with your admission price

February is traditionally the month where a celebration of love and affection takes place across the world and what better venue than one of the most romantic gardens in the world to come to for half term, to celebrate and reconnect with what you love.

2022 signifies 30 years since we opened our gates to our first garden visitors, many of whom have revisited and fallen in love with Heligan during this time. 30 years has seen four generations discovering The Lost Gardens of Heligan, with a magic and a story that sparks curiosity in us all, encouraging a connection to the natural world and each other.

We hear from our visitors that they Love Heligan for a variety of reasons, whether it be the restoration story, the horticultural prowess, the adventures to be discovered in the Jungle, the irresistible animals, or the year-round invitation to create memories as you explore nature’s playground.

This half term we’ll be sharing what our team Love about Heligan; the garden secrets, favourite views, times and spaces, and the healing powers of The Lost Gardens. As you take in our stories, we invite you to share your own with us too.

Explore our photographic timeline of ’30 years of garden visits’ which will be in place all month.

Our ‘Love Heligan’ tent on East Lawn, will be home to a collaborative art piece inspired by your love of Heligan and will be created by all our half term visitors. Love and nature inspired crafts will be available to enjoy whilst visiting the ‘Love Heligan’ tent.

We encourage you to explore new paths and routes that are unfamiliar and get outside to discover the signs of Spring that are nearly in sight. Engage and enjoy all that Heligan has to offer this half term. You will LOVE it!

Gardens open from 10am-4pm daily, last garden entry at 2.30pm with all activities included in garden entry