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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - February 4 2024
Where: Cotehele

Graft your own apple tree at Cotehele

Take a piece of Cotehele’s Mother Orchard home with you by grafting your very own apple tree. 

Booking not needed. Normal admission charges apply for the venue. 
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 February 2024, 11:00-16:00 

Join the garden team and learn how to graft your own apple tree from a selection of local heritage varieties from Cotehele’s Mother Orchard. 

There’s no need to book, just drop-in when you can. 
£1 per grafting material, £3 per root stock, £3 per workshop (limit to 2 trees). 

Please note, this event takes place on the first floor and there is no step-free access available. Members of the team can bring some items down to the ground floor. 

For further information call 01579 351346, email [email protected] or visit the website, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cotehele