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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - February 19 2023
Where: PK Porthcurno

February Half Term at PK Porthcurno

For more information about our half term activities, head to:

Mini PK Tours

Date: Monday 13 February

Time/Venue: Join Paul in PK Porthcurno from 12:00 / Tours take place between 12:00 – 14:00.

Overview: Explore our museum with Paul, our Learning Facilitator at PK, and discover how telegraphy impacted our environment.
Free with museum admission.

Planet PK Champions

Title: Communicating with light

Date: Saturday 25 February

Time: 10:30- 12:00

Venue: Meet in the Clore Learning Space, PK Porthcurno

Overview: Exploring light sensors using solar cell kits and building circuits.

Activities designed for 7- 12 years but open to all.

Spot the Difference

After a great response from the café over Christmas, we have a new ‘spot the difference challenge’ to solve! The challenge will be available to pick up in our Café PK, solve it over a refreshing drink and yummy cake!

Flag Semaphore

A playful word game using semaphore flags is now upstairs in our displays, what secret code can you spell out to your friends and family?!


Our resident Giant Squid of Global Communications is here to say hello, come and share a secret message with your loved one through Morgy!

Pigeon Pals

Explore the museum and solve the Pigeon Pal challenge, can you spot them all?