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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - May 11 2024
Where: Trebah Garden

Clay Tile Workshop

Create your own clay sculpture inspired by nature

Saturday 11 May, 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Members £31.50, Non-members £35, Under 16 £17.50

Skill of the hand is not imperative as we will call into play lateral thought process, whilst using nature’s patterns and forms to imprint a decorative semi relief sculptural form of your choosing, inspired by the beauty of nature.

Assemblage methodology will be discussed and used to achieve an interesting surface dynamic. Slip application will be demonstrated and experimented with in the form of underlay/overlay, line drawing with sharps, infusing with oxides suspended in water. Linda has wonderful bespoke molds that enable everyone to add frottage texture to their individual tiles.

The tiles will be fired and can be picked up from Trebah at the end of May.