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Best Days Out Cornwall

National Maritime Museum Best Days Out Cornwall
When: January 1 - January 2 2022

Christmas at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall

Saturday 18 December – Sunday 2 January

Lanterns and Lights

From beautifully lit vessels to merry Make and Takes and lantern trails, Christmas at the Museum takes on the theme of Lanterns & Lights with a magical nautical twist.

Magical Make & Take

Running everyday, 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Get Christmas crafting with our Make and Take sessions. On the run-up to Christmas create sea themed decorations to hang in your home. After Christmas we’ll be making wishing wands and celebration party poppers to help us start the new year with a bang.

Museum lantern trail

Dotted throughout the Museum are hidden lanterns – will you find them all?

It’s free!

All of the Lanterns & Lights activities are free as part of the admission price. Pay once and get in free for a whole year.