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Best Days Out Cornwall

When: January 1 - December 9 2022
Where: Bodmin Jail

Carols in the Courtyard at Bodmin Jail

9 December 2022
6pm – 8pm

There is no better way to start the festive season than with Bodmin Jail’s annual Carols in the Courtyard in aid of the Air Ambulance.  Set in the beautiful surroundings of the Victorian courtyard, join in with the award-winning Male Solvely Choir as they perform a set of traditional carols. The Jail will stay open late so guests can experience the ‘Naughty or Nice’ trail running through the heritage buildings and the gift shop will remain open for Christmas purchases.  With mince pies, hot chocolate and mulled wine on offer, you’d be a Scrooge to miss it. And you never know, it might snow!