Learn to use tjantings to create patterns and designs with hot wax then add colour and expression with vibrant dyes.
Book here: https://www.trebahgarden.co.uk/events/workshops/beginners-batik-workshop
Choose from a half or full day workshop:
10:00am – 12:30pm
10:00am – 4:00pm
At the session we can decorate our initial or a symbol or flower on a small circular piece, then create a larger piece with a design of your choice. The wax is then ironed out so you can take your pieces home.
All resources and reference materials provided, but bring something to copy if you have a special design in mind.
If you would like to turn your design into something else, there is the option to come back in the afternoon after your design has been “fixed” and we will attach it to a canvas bag where you can add embellishments and stitching to make a bespoke bag for yourself or as a gift for someone special.
Nikki is a community workshop artist who loves to encourage the creative side in everyone, especially those who say they “aren’t artistic”!